waterfall development, risk aversion, unnecessary policy complexity, and no product managers are the reason government services suck and are so expensive

didn’t duplicate notes from the book review: Book Reviews: Recoding America

tbh just reading that^ is enough, but the book adds a bit of extra color and specific examples

6/7 ideas, just was book length

Stewardship v important for many public officials. This is one place Resistance to change can come from -- they care about the agency and want to make sure it survives intact

Include my previous summary

Esp is dumb law making systems complicated all the way down

Wasn't even required. Just did it to be safe in case someone yelled at them for omitting something in a requirement even if it was just an example. became doubly a requirement by becoming standard practice culturally

Big reason software is bad is the gov is required to outsource anything the private sector can doBut software is not steel :( a lot is bespoke, not a commodity. Sure buy a DB, but make your own products. But that's illegal

Procurement slows everything way down too