good perspective from Rahm Emanuel, accomplished Democratic strategist
Lots of good historical analogues
Candidate recruitment heavily heavily emphasized as key. Picking Dems who will win in that district even when they don't look like "traditional" Dems
Emphasis on "shifting storylines to favorable terrain" several times
Dems emphasized too much the "threat to democracy" angle. People who are receptive to that are already convinced. Needed to focus more on how buyable Trump is, how he favors every industry over the people (plenty of evidence)
People are really anti establishment in general. Most successful presidential campaigns are reformist
Biggest thing for candidate selection this cycle: [perceived] independence from party establishment
Positioning: emphasize Republicans as being in the pocket of special interests, doing cronyism, being corrupt It's true, and people hate that. Redefines Dems as the reformers
This guy seems like a really great strategist And I really agree with him a lot on values/priorities