collection of interesting ideas for government programs

  1. For $200 billion, significantly reduce traffic and the cost of living in our fifty largest metropolitan areas (dig tunnels better)
  2. For $100 billion, take back our prison system from incompetent bureaucrats — and reduce crime along the way (pay prisons/similar for outcomes)
  3. For $100 billion, build 21st century mental health institutions
  4. For $50 billion, make our inner city streets a place where children thrive (copy a great program in Harlem, HCZ, which basically is high quality after school programs)
  5. For $100 billion, give every baby in America a stake in our economic future. (give every baby a $1k index fund)
  6. For $50 billion, restore the American industrial skillbase (trade schools with good incentives)
  7. For $200 billion, create better funders of science in America. (risk-loving NIH)
  8. For $100 billion, upend the energy future and put de-growthers out of business (legalize nuclear power, etc)